
Chun Xia

Founding Partner

Dr. Xia Chun is a co-founder of TSVC and a successful serial entrepreneur in Silicon Valley. He has founded three technology companies and developed and sold the world's earliest personalized marketing system as well as leading-edge edge container technology. He was also the Chief Architect at Sun Microsystems, a pioneer in early cloud computing technology. In addition to investing in hard technologies such as cloud computing, chips, artificial intelligence, and smart manufacturing, Dr. Xia is also accomplished in design and creativity, and has in-depth research on the cross-cultural aspects of social media and community economies.

Dr. Xia Chun is one of the founding members of the Tsinghua Entrepreneur and Executive Club (TEEC) and has served as the inaugural chairman of its North America chapter. Since 2001, he has been a mentor for young students and has continued to serve as a mentor for Tsinghua University's Tsinghua Source Program, the X-Lab Entrepreneurship Incubator, and the Tsinghua Chuang+ Reverse Innovation Center. He also established the TSVC Giving Fund, a non-profit foundation in Silicon Valley that motivates young students to innovate and start businesses.

Dr. Xia Chun holds a bachelor's degree in electronic engineering and a master's degree in computer science from Tsinghua University, as well as a Ph.D. in computer science from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.